Meetz - Where Work Happens

The one-stop solution to establish communication with interviewers and interviewees. A holistic approach into appointment scheduling, Meetz works as a platform to automated scheduling for N number of walk-ins. Meetz offers a simple and yet extensive online booking system that works for all companies which accept appointments. Avoid the hassle of waiting time and communicating with the person who is here to meet/whom you need to meet. Supported on all web browsers including mobile, shuttle appointment schedules effectively at the front desk.

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Meetz has more features than you think

Meetz has a variety of work and personal uses including interview management, hospital management, waiting lines, and office consultant staff management. An enriched UI as well as smooth navigation enables integration with enterprise systems.

Customised Appointment Form

Appointment forms are also customizable according to specifications

Access by Roles

Customise access according to different roles and individuals in the company

Multiple Offices

Add multiple offices accordingly to navigate easier through a shared work space

Department Mapping

Access from single to versatile list of multiple departments within a office


Generate report on one click to view the history of previous meetings & appointments

Schedule Your Personal Demo

We can't wait to show you the world's most powerful software for visitor management. Tell us few things about yourself and we'll show you a lot more about us.

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